Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Aftermath....

With Christmas over.... I'd like to take a minute to share some of the excitement from our morning.... I hope you enjoy.... Even more so,  I hope it brings you back......
Bunny was a big hit!

Pa rum pum pum pum!

I think this speaks for itself...

click on the "read more" link below to see more pics

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas.......

Tonight I decided to keep it simple.... just a simple photograph of my wife's favorite ornament.... simple, the way life is meant to be... Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Back to Basics......

Today while sitting in church, my daughter gave me the best Christmas present ever.... She was an angel in the Christmas pageant.  As I sat in the quiet, dark church before the service started, I watched as the children gathered and reviewed their parts.  Last Sunday the dress rehearsal got canceled due to icy roads so this Sunday was the dress rehearsal and main show all in one.  The children took it in stride though.  Not nervous, or worried, they just had fun.  Fun being themselves.  Fun celebrating their individual uniqueness while at the same time, coming together to tell the greatest story ever told.  They brought it back to basics.  They helped us all to realize what is most important in this crazy life we lead.  Not cell phones, or bank accounts, not stocks, or politics.  Just being who we are, and living our lives how we were made to live them.  Loving each other and laughing together celebrating Life.  So I'd like to thank my very special Nina, and all of her classmates for reminding me what this season, no excuse me, this Life is all about..... Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gingerbread Houses 2010 ....

Yesterday marked a new era in the Gardella household.  The torch was passed on to the next generation of bakers, builders, and eaters.  As a small child I can remember travelling to my Gram D's house every December to join my many cousins for a gingerbread house / Christmas cookie extravaganza.  We would gather in her tiny kitchen and let the sugar fest begin.  At the end of the day, our bellies full of candy and cookies, we'd travel home with plates mounded high with cookies of all kinds waiting to be placed under the tree for Santa and his Reindeer. Well, as of yesterday, my mother and mother-in-law gathered the troops together to carry the tradition into the next generation.  Fortunately for me, I was not there to see the sea of confectioners sugar covering the floor and table as well as the many random bits of candy found under couches, chairs and even in diapers after the clean up had taken place.  (The CDO in me would have freaked out! By the way, for those of you asking what the heck is CDO, well.... it's OCD alphabetized the way it should be!)  I'd like to take this time to thank both sets of grandparents personally for taking time to build the houses with my girls.  They had a blast and created memories that I know will last a lifetime. After all, I still remember from my childhood house building days.... And I've already started eating some.... shhhhhh.... don't tell the girls!  (I'd also like to thank my beautiful wife Becca for snapping a few shots... she also does video but we'll spare the public the family movies for now!  It really made my day to come home from work and see the smiles on their faces.... and the pictures of how the smiles got there....)
The building blocks for a healthy diet.....

When Dad's not around.... sampling of the goods takes place.

The Grandma's were left in charge!

Nina enjoys a snowman "PeeP"

The dreaded Sugar Crash!


One for Us and One for each Grandma.... Somehow all three are still here!

Candy $10... Gingerbread $7.... Memories $Priceless$ !

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tree Cutting 2010

Okay, I know what all the environmentalists and greenies out there are going to say so please say it quickly.  We should be saving trees and keeping the planet clean.  However, in keeping with the Griswald family tradition yours truly, Clark W., loaded up the family sleigh to head out into the wild and collect the symbol of the spirit of Christmas.  Yes, we cut down our tree today as we do every year however, something seemed to go terribly wrong this year.  What you ask?  Well, sit down and I'll tell you........It went rather smooth for the first time and I still can't figure out why.  Perhaps it was the schnapps. Or maybe the ear plugs.  Either way it doesn't matter, the tree is up and the lights are being placed on it as I type.  So, without further delay, may I present the TREE!

Locked and Loaded in the van.  Three out of four content.... in baseball, that would be and exceptional average!
Let the Search begin......

Perhaps a higher elevation will reveal something?

Nina stands perfectly still, ready to pounce on her prey!

Mommy has spotted one....

Luci looks on with approval.

Cue the Charlie Brown Music.... Da   DaDa     DaDaDa     Da  Daa     Da    Da Da Daaaaa

The crew has decided on the perfect tree for Santa to place presents under.

Bring in the Mules!

A Shady Tree Guy Looking to Score Some Blue Spruce....

Standing tall.... proud to have gone where few have returned!  Another Tree Cutting Shot in the Ass!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Earnest Family 2010

Today I had the privilege of shooting the Earnest family.  We met at a quiet beach in town and had the whole place to ourselves. I have to tip my hat to Peggy and her family because they were able to brave out this cold December air and get some wonderful pics.  I would like to personally thank the Earnest family for a wonderful time!  


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Faith, Hope, and Love ......

Sometimes we have to put our "paid" work aside to allow for our creative side to flow from within us outwardly to share with the world.  So here is my attempt at creativity.  The images below were all inspired by Faith, Hope, and Love.... I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I did creating them.  Of course I cannot claim them as my own.... They were all given to me by my Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son without whom, none of this would have ever been possible.  If you are interested in purchasing a print, please contact me to discuss pricing and sizing as well as framing options currently available.  God Bless....

 ~ mat

(*please note, all of the images below are property of mathew gardella photography and may not be reproduced without written permission from the photographer)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Greb Family 2010

Today I had the pleasure of shooting my dear friends the Grebs on an impromptu photo shoot.  Jen called this a.m. and asked if we could get the boys in for a quick pic for the holiday cards.  Of course, I couldn't resist an opportunity to pick up the camera!  It was a perfect time to catch up with friends.... Thanks a million guys, we had a blast....

A Thanksgiving to Remember...

During the holiday seasons it is often seen as traditional to reflect on the many Blessings we have received in our lives.  Things like family, friends, work and favorite hobbies are often the topic of discussion, especially when we are giving thanks for what we have been given.  This Thanksgiving I would like to report that I have been especially blessed with a loving family.  Now I know what you all are thinking.... we all have been blessed with this... however, how many Grandpa's got together over the Thanksgiving holiday and conspired together to surprise their granddaughters with this....

Let's start with the four legged turkey....  They almost fooled the four year old!
 Moving on to the Turkey hats.....

 As if they didn't know there were turkeys on their heads....

We are so very Blessed.... and we can't wait until Christmas!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today we FINALLY removed all the glitches and gremlins and now I am humbled to be able to announce my new site...  I have been steadily taking pictures for the past several years and am now officially venturing out into the world of freelance photography.  I specialize in wedding and lifestyle photography.  I hope you all enjoy the pictures and please feel free to stop by and drop me a line or twenty with comments.  I would also love to hear how you are doing... and if you ever need any pics of family or friends, give me a call.....
~ mat

    here's a quick snap of my crew during a moment of dress up....