Monday, December 26, 2011

Chase Jarvis, Lego Camera. . .

Here's a video from featuring pro photographer Chase Jarvis and what he can do with a Lego Camera...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa's Secret Letter. . .

Last night, my daughter Grace left a letter for Santa asking him to please send her a picture of Rudolph.  She has been in a heated debate with her five year old sister the past three weeks as to whether or not Rudolph is real. Well, this morning Santa put an end to all the debate... Here's a copy of what was waiting for Grace... We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!        ~ mat

Dear Grace,

Thank you so much for the letter and the cookies!  I know that you and your sisters were especially good this year and I hope you like all of the toys that I left.  As for your question, that’s a tough question to answer by words, so I’ve attached a picture that I took of Rudolph tonight before we left the North Pole.  Merry Christmas girls! 


P.S.  Next year tell mom and dad to leave me some hot cocoa with the cookies!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Story of Christmas. . .

Here is an excellent remake of the Greatest Story Ever Told. . . .  I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Return of ReinDog

Although I did not take this image, I had to post it here tonight.  My lovely wife took this shot of our dog Hondo the other day.  Every year she converts Hondo into one of Santa's reindeer, and every year Hondo has that silly look on his face that just seems to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Just Another One of Those Daze?

This photo series “The Beauty of an Ugly Addiction” is Photographer Frieke Janssens’ response to nicotine addiction and new smoking laws. She asks, “does this ban treat adults like children who can’t willfully decide whether or not to partake in this horribly harmful habit? What is it about smoking, aside from the obvious addictive content, that draws people in? Is it its image from film noir? Is it the appeal of its performative consumption, that mannerism or pose that seems to imbue a smoker with a particular sort of character?”

Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree. . .

Tonight we continued the family tradition of decorating the Christmas Tree. . .  the girls had a blast and as they danced and pranced around the room, I enjoyed my wife looking over at me, sharing a look of pure contentment. . .

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Which Photo A or B? Help me decide. . .

Alright readers, I'm turning to you for help.  I have recently taken two images (I won't tell you how I got them. . .) and I'm having trouble deciding which one to use.  I'm asking you to comment below on which image you prefer and why?  We'll discuss more of the image purpose in a later post. 

Image "A"

Image "B"