Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Wedding Photographer's Worries ?

Here's a great article for all you Wedding Photographer's out there that I found HERE

The article discusses how photographer's need to be creative in changing times.  With the rise of digital photography, the competition is tougher than ever for photographer's who make their living by selling prints online after the wedding.  Every guest has a phone with a camera that will rival any point and shoot.  Besides that, every point and shoot will fit in your pocket and this makes cameras more accessible than ever.  More than ever, wedding guests are supplying for "free" the images that the photographer would traditionally supply and are even able to get some shots that the pro's are not able to get simply because the are several hundred guests, all with cameras, and only one or two pro's circulating around the reception.  To make matters worse, many times, brides and grooms will place disposable cameras on the tables of the reception hall encouraging guests to take candid shots of their day.  How is the poor wedding photographer supposed to compete with the advances in technology that are seemingly taking food from their plates?  As the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them...  What if the photographer left the cameras on the table as part of the package offered for the bride and groom?  Then, after the reception, the photographer would collect the cameras and still be able to control the image use and distribution for sale. 
For those of you that are on the ball, you might be thinking, "Hey, wait a minute, aren't there some legal issues here?  Isn't the person who shoots the image the one with the rights to the image?"  The answer is Yes, yes, and yes!  But click HERE. to read what Victor S. Perlman, Esq. has to say about it and if you should consider adding this to your wedding day package.

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