In an age of social media, texting, facebook, email updates, and the like, it's nice to know that it's still enjoyable to head out to the store for some good old fashioned lecture and demonstrations. Today my wife informed me that we would be taking the kids to a local store called The Hoot. They were hosting and owl demonstration sponsored by
Horizon Wings. Horizon Wings is a non-profit Wildlife Rehabilitation Center specializing in Birds of Prey. Today's demonstration featured the Barred Owl, the Barn Owl, the Eastern Screech Owl, and the Great Horned Owl. My girls were glued to the presentation and asked tons of questions to the presenters. I felt as if I had been brought back in time watching the live question and answer session before my eyes. In today's age of computer based learning, it was nice to head back to the "stone age" and have a sit down session with actual owls instead of videos of owls. This type of learning puts a fabric back into our children's lives and brains and should be utilized by all parents. Be sure to make some time this busy holiday season and take your kids to local presentations and/ or museums. Take the time to watch them interact with living specimens and ask questions to actual human presenters. Bring them back to the basics of human to human contact and I know for a fact, they will have the best time ever. It's that connection to our world that our children are lacking today. That connection is essential if our children are going to make this world a better place to live. . .

Eastern Screech: Jasper |
Barred: Emrys |
Barn Owl: Silo |
Great Horn: Oscar |
Hoooooooot! Hoooooooooot! loved seeing these guys!