Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back Up Your Numbers . . .

Every once in a while, we hear in passing conversation something unique, something original, something hysterical, or perhaps a combination of all three at once.  If you live in my house, you'll hear this everyday...  Our third daughter Genevieve is a one of a kind who has the sass to back it up... Today while riding in the car with her sisters, the following conversation took place:

Gev:  Mommy, why do I have to take a nap but they don't.
Mommy:  Because you are four and your sisters are six and seven years old.
Gev: Well, that's NOT FAIR! Why can't I be six or seven?
Mommy: Because your sisters were born first.
Gev: (Huffing) Well that's it girls!  You're just going to have to back up your numbers!  (Then I can be six and then seven too.) 
Grace: It doesn't work that way Genevieve, you can't go back in time.

BIG enough for ice cream

Gev has taken control of the game.  She won't let her BIG sister have the rings.

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