Sunday, December 19, 2010

Back to Basics......

Today while sitting in church, my daughter gave me the best Christmas present ever.... She was an angel in the Christmas pageant.  As I sat in the quiet, dark church before the service started, I watched as the children gathered and reviewed their parts.  Last Sunday the dress rehearsal got canceled due to icy roads so this Sunday was the dress rehearsal and main show all in one.  The children took it in stride though.  Not nervous, or worried, they just had fun.  Fun being themselves.  Fun celebrating their individual uniqueness while at the same time, coming together to tell the greatest story ever told.  They brought it back to basics.  They helped us all to realize what is most important in this crazy life we lead.  Not cell phones, or bank accounts, not stocks, or politics.  Just being who we are, and living our lives how we were made to live them.  Loving each other and laughing together celebrating Life.  So I'd like to thank my very special Nina, and all of her classmates for reminding me what this season, no excuse me, this Life is all about..... Merry Christmas!

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