Monday, March 28, 2011

It's a Sista' Thing . . .

Living in a house with four women I've learned a few interesting things.  NEVER leave the seat up.... When a woman is speaking to you, ALWAYS look at her and stop what you're doing.... DON'T ask too many questions.... and if she says, "Do you like this?" fake a seizure and wait for them to leave the room.... But aside from the most basic survival strategies noted above, I've also learned something very special... in the world of family dynamics, second only to the bond of mother and child, the bond between sisters is the strongest... Sisters share an intuitive bond... they know what each other is thinking, feeling, wanting.... sometimes they use it to take advantage, other times they use it to lend a hand.... Looking at how my girls interact with each other, I am very confident that this bond will only get stronger as time goes on and that they will grow closer and closer.... if you have a second in your hectic life this week, take some time to reconnect with your sisters and let them know just how special they are and enjoy their company like you did in the "old days". . .

1 comment:

  1. Matt, these are so sweet...You inspire me to want two more little girls!
